Sunday, November 27, 2011

My Blog Has Moved!

lilybird photography has integrated it's website and blog

to visit the new site click HERE!

Friday, October 21, 2011

time flies

I can't believe that tomorrow my little peanut will be one month old!  It seems like the last 4 weeks have flown by and that just yesterday everyone was anxiously awaiting her arrival.

even the dogs :)

though I don't think they were quite sure why they needed to stay outside

or what all the commotion inside the house was all about...

but they figured it out pretty soon and they all really like the new addition to the family :]

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

more vdub love.

a little mini series about working on our bus:

I'm a little late in getting these posted, since I'm no longer pregnant :) but better late than never!

Saturday, October 1, 2011


My next blog post was supposed to be some maternity photos that I took recently
but then I had a baby.....

and all I could think about for the next week was perfect little fingers and toes :]

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


the hubs and I recently bought a project car, a 78 vw bus to be exact

I LOVE rust and patina and texture and this bus was full of it :]

I was inspired by the rustiness while we were wet sanding it


and a preggo belly shot ;)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pretty in Pink 80's Birthday Party

So many pictures, so little time!  It's been awhile since I've posted (ok, so 4 months is a little more than awhile) but I have plenty of pictures just waiting to be uploaded :D

I recently got the chance to photograph a very colorful 80's themed 16th birthday party (the birthday girl actually wore mom's old prom dress!) and here are just a few of the highlights:

a whole party platter of gummi bears and sour worms

a rubik's cube birthday cake

colorful balloon fights

and crazy makeup :)

not to mention a very awesome mullet

and mom and dad's vintage vinyl!

even mom and dad got in on the dress up fun :)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fave :)

My recent beach trip was the first beach trip and the first camping trip for my youngest dog Shifty.  He didn't love the beach like the girls do, but I got a few pictures where he didn't look too bored.

this was one of my favorites and I thought I'd share :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

beach vacation!

Went to South Padre with the hubs and the three dogs this weekend, I have to admit that I'm kind of a weenie when it comes to sand and my camera but I thought, what better place to practice some maternity photography?

this is one of my favorites, I love that you can see my tattoo in it :)

Usually when I photograph myself I use a tripod and remote release, but like I said I'm a weenie about sand and didn't want to fumble around with all that so while these were directed and edited by me, my lovely husband clicked the shutter ;)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Four months! Yikes!

Oh gosh, in my last post I said I'd try to keep posting throughout the school semester but.....    that obviously didn't happen :)  four studio classes kept me pretty occupied.  So about four months later, one senior show down and graduation over with, I finally have time again to photograph and blog!

Incidentally about four months is also how long before my husband and I will welcome our first sweet baby into the world.  :D  On that note, my blog resumes, enjoy!

Monday, January 17, 2011

how sad!

Well, depending on how quickly school takes off this will probably be my last post for awhile :(
I think I will still try to post at least once a week though :D

this is 35mm film and I took this photo probably two years ago, when I first started school I took mostly film classes to begin with and I tended to be very influenced by formalism and early modernism :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

more beach photos

I love taking landscapes so here are a few more of my favorites from that trip

and of course a picture of my girls who love to dig in the sand :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

more night photography

this is the original picture 

and this is the same photo in which i manipulated the color, I usually stick to straight color or black and white photos but lately I have been experimenting a bit with subjective color

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

dr. pepper with real sugar :9

I really love this picture and its just been sitting in my photo library for awhile because I didn't know quite what to do with it, I had it in b&w for awhile but it just didn't seem right, finally I decided to desaturate the colors a little and I think its awesome now.  I took this photo last summer at a friends house while barbecuing.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

my puppies

back when they were puppies :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Night Photography

Night Photography always lends such interesting results, I took these back in October and it's the first time I've really gotten to mess with them, I think they turned out awesome! 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Ugly Autumn

that's what i've decided to call this winter here in tx, i can't really call it winter since it's 80 degrees outsides almost everyday (thats pretty bad even for texas) so it's just autumn without all the beautiful colors.