Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

I more than likely won't post tomorrow so here is a double dose of holiday cuteness :)






Thursday, December 23, 2010

my latest sewing project

I started this back during the break between summer I and summer II semester and I finally finished it last week :)

I didn't have a pattern so I just eyeballed the shirt and the embroidery is all hand done.
I should get a picture of the whole thing, it's done in the style of a mexican peasant blouse.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Still in the Christmas spirit

here's a few pics I took of my grandmother's tree

and a few from mine :)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

well since I couldn't see the eclipse last night

this is a photo i took a few nights ago of a moon halo

It is caused by the light refracting through ice crystals in cirrus clouds in the troposphere (which is the lowest level of the earth's atmosphere)

Monday, December 20, 2010

School is out!

Well it's been 6 whole days since I finished the semester and if Iv'e learned one thing it is that as much as school interferes with blogging, free time does so even more!  Between catching up on missed shows, finishing old and beginning new sewing projects and just generally being lazy i've hardly taken any photos at all. So my semester break challenge to myself is that i will post at least one photo every day.  I will try to take photos everyday as well but this will be a good way to force myself to go through all the photos that I've taken and not yet had time to edit.

Since Christmas is less than a week away and I'm definitely feeling very Christmas-ey here's one I took last week of my sister's cat.  Not the most artsy photo i've ever taken but he's pretty cute :)