Friday, December 31, 2010


Back in autumn we were having beautiful sunrises and sunsets almost every day so I took a LOT of photos around dawn and dusk, almost my whole thesis project was shot in the early morning.  This is one that I thought was particularly beautiful :)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

best of the series

This is the best photo, in my opinion from the series in my previous post

I love it because most people don't know what it is when they first see it.

The only thing I wish I could change is all the dust, the 4x5 negatives pick up EVERYTHING and I didn't think to clean the guitar before I took the photo :)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

After Weston

Another studio photograph, I love the formalism of Edward Weston which is what inspired my final project for my studio lighting class.

All the photos were of my guitar

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Studio Photography

This is one of my favorite still life that I photographed while taking a studio course.

It was taken with a medium format film camera, I scanned in the negative but I still think it looks so much better on matte paper.  My Dad was in Iraq at the time this picture was taken.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

I more than likely won't post tomorrow so here is a double dose of holiday cuteness :)






Thursday, December 23, 2010

my latest sewing project

I started this back during the break between summer I and summer II semester and I finally finished it last week :)

I didn't have a pattern so I just eyeballed the shirt and the embroidery is all hand done.
I should get a picture of the whole thing, it's done in the style of a mexican peasant blouse.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Still in the Christmas spirit

here's a few pics I took of my grandmother's tree

and a few from mine :)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

well since I couldn't see the eclipse last night

this is a photo i took a few nights ago of a moon halo

It is caused by the light refracting through ice crystals in cirrus clouds in the troposphere (which is the lowest level of the earth's atmosphere)

Monday, December 20, 2010

School is out!

Well it's been 6 whole days since I finished the semester and if Iv'e learned one thing it is that as much as school interferes with blogging, free time does so even more!  Between catching up on missed shows, finishing old and beginning new sewing projects and just generally being lazy i've hardly taken any photos at all. So my semester break challenge to myself is that i will post at least one photo every day.  I will try to take photos everyday as well but this will be a good way to force myself to go through all the photos that I've taken and not yet had time to edit.

Since Christmas is less than a week away and I'm definitely feeling very Christmas-ey here's one I took last week of my sister's cat.  Not the most artsy photo i've ever taken but he's pretty cute :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

V-J Day Kiss

This past weekend I had the opportunity to meet Glenn McDuffie

The V-J Day Kiss is one of my favorite photographs of all time

How cool is that?  

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Digital Photography Final

I'm test driving an idea for my final thesis next semester, I want to portray images of women in WWII, Cindy Sherman  "Untitled Film Stills" style, but i haven't quite figured out exactly my field of focus yet.  I know I want to focus on the emotions of ordinary people thrust into extraordinary circumstances but whether i want to focus on all women's roles, just military and combat related roles or simply the women from one country or just axis or just allies.

anywhoo, here are a couple of my favorites so far, I'm only portraying Russian snipers and partisans for this project (Fact: Russia was the only country during WWII to allow women in fully functioning military combat roles) i will have to have 10 for my final but i've already shot over 100 :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Gallery Mock Up

For my thesis class I have to create a mock up of how I might display my work in a gallery space as well as examples of artist installations that I find interesting so here is a couple of my ideas:

here are a few pictures of exhibitions that I like the layout:

Saturday, October 30, 2010

For Halloween

A nice gravestone
I wonder what the story behind this one is

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

WWII in color

awesome story about a WWII WASP and her contraband camera

Monday, October 4, 2010

Birthday Photos!

It was my mom's birthday yesterday

her face is priceless :)


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

book project!

well, i am finally getting the chance to post some more photos.  school has been very hectic for this first month but things are starting to level out now so hopefully there won't be too many long gaps between posts now  :)

I am working on a photography book right now for a digital photography class and the theme is mini ecosystems in the middle of high traffic human areas.  These photos were taken on my campus.